

    3er Pack - Stainless Steel Lead Free Jig Head 4/0

  • Brand: Moby Softbaits
  • Product Code: 94243
  • Availability: In Stock
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3er Pack - Stainless Steel Lead Free Jig Head 4/0

Jigging heads made of stainless steel, suitable for the Moby Softbaits, but of course not only for these, but also for other rubber baits. Stainless steel has a similar density as lead. Therefore the size of the respective weight on the jig hook is only slightly larger. But an important argument for stainless steel is that it is much less harmful to the environment! Equipped with sharp Mustad hooks, which are pressed into the stainless steel weight. The barb attached to the hook leg, which serves to secure the bait, is made of a zinc alloy. So the Iron Claw/ Moby Softbaits Jigheads are 100% lead free!

Unfortunately the production and material costs are a bit higher than with a conventional lead head due to the more complex process etc. and so the jigheads are a bit more expensive. But we think we owe this to our environment.

Even the packaging is 100% biodegradable. The clear window is made of PLA (corn starch) and the rest of the packaging is made of uncoated cardboard.

  • 100 % lead free
  • Cardboard and PLA (corn starch) packaging
  • Mustad Jig Hook
  • bait safety made of Zinc

Tags: 3er, pack, stainless, steel, lead, free, jig, head, 4/0, heads

GPRS Information
Allgemeine Informationen / General Information

MOBY SOFTBAITS - Artikelnr: 94243

Name: JMC Otto GbR | Adresse: In der Lohwiese 3, 35080 Bad Endbach-Schlierbach, Germany | E-Mail: info@moby-softbaits.de | Website: https://moby-softbaits.de | USt-IdNr.: DE266481217 | Mit sitz in der EU: Ja

Name: Christoph Otto | Tel: +49 (0) 277 692 266 60 | E-Mail: info@moby-softbaits.de

Mobys softbaits sollte man NICHT mit herkömmlichen Gummiködern zusammen in einer Box lagern. Die aggressiven Weichmacher der anderen Ködern sind hartnäckig und greifen unser Material an. So hartnäckig sogar, dass ihr unbedingt auch Boxen, in denen eure alten Lieblingsköder lagen, gründlich mit Spüli und kochendes Wasser reinigen solltet - euren Mobys zuliebe!

Bitte beachten Sie: Unsere Test-Sets und Wild Mix-Sets sind eine bunte und ungezügelte Zusammenstellung verschiedener Farben ohne feste Regeln. Es ist eine Mischung von Farben, die zufällig und impulsiv zusammengeworfen werden, um eine einzigartige und unerwartete Mischung zu schaffen. Auf individuelle Wünsche kann NICHT eingegangen werden.

Name: JMC Otto GbR | Adresse: In der Lohwiese 3, 35080 Bad Endbach-Schlierbach, Germany | E-Mail: info@moby-softbaits.de | Website: https://moby-softbaits.de | VAT registration no.: DE266481217 | Based in EU Ja

Name: Christoph Otto | Tel: +49 (0) 277 692 266 60 | E-Mail: info@moby-softbaits.de

Moby's products should NEVER be stored in a box which contains or contained conventional bait. The aggressive nature of softeners are stubborn and attack our material. So stubborn that you should clean previously used boxes with detergent and hot water!

Please note: Our Test Sets and Wild Mix sets are a colourful and unbridled assortment of different colours with no set rules. It is a mixture of colours thrown together randomly and impulsively to create a unique and unexpected mix. Individual wishes CANNOT be catered for.

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